🧑‍💻 Learn about the most important programming languages ​​and their history

You often hear about many programming languages, but you do not know what these languages are, and are they languages such as English, Arabic, and so on? Or is it a new kind of language that computers understand? So let's get to know some of this language and its names.

You often hear about many programming languages, but you do not know what these languages are, and are they languages such as English, Arabic, and so on? Or is it a new kind of language that computers understand? So let's get to know some of this language and its names.



The Java language is one of the famous programming languages, which was invented by James Gosling in 1992 AD while he was working in the laboratories of (Sun Microsystem) and he initially called it - Awak - meaning the oak tree, which is the tree that he saw from his office window. Then the name was changed to Java, and this name “according to the custom of naming programming languages” is not the first letters of the word of a specific sentence or an expression with a specific meaning, but it is just a name developed by the developers of this language to compete with other names!



PHP is a scripting language based on the Perl language, which was mainly used in programming and developing web applications. It was designed by Rasmus Lerdov in 1995, and it is open source, and it is developed by many developers under the (PHP) license. PHP supports Object Oriented Programming (OOP) and is very similar in structure to the (C) language. The most important thing that distinguishes this language from web application development languages is its wide spread, as it employs more than 70% of the website and its strength. Among the most important applications that you work with: Facebook - WordPress.



The Perl language, which is an acronym for Practical Extraction and Report Language, appeared at the hands of the famous programmer and linguist Larry Wall in 1986, where the development phase began sequentially until the language reached a high maturity stage in the fifth version. Since the year 2000, work has begun on Perl 6, which is considered a complete rewrite of the language, in addition to the Parrot project, which is the platform on which Perl will work, with the ability to also add several other languages.

Perl has gained wide popularity due to its power in dealing with regular expressions (Regex), and its efficiency in managing giant sites such as (Slashdot, Amazon), movie database (IMDb) and others, and for the language of a famous slogan “There is more than one way to do this” and this is due to the fluidity of the language And the ability to adapt, which led to skill in writing codes and the emergence of the slogan (Just another Perl hacker). As a result, some cynics appeared from programmers of other languages and accused writing in this language of ugliness.

What is Perl Spian Archive (CPAN)


The Perl programming language has a huge archive of ready-made plugins, or what is called Spian (CPAN), which are ready-to-use libraries and scripts and add more capabilities to the Perl programming language, where modules can be added for game programming libraries, website design and other useful applications



(Dart) is an entity-oriented programming language (OOP), that is, it is based on the (Class), that is, you cannot write the input code of the (Class), and through it it is possible to create applications that run on the web, smart phones, and servers. This language was developed through a project (Sky) of Google, which is a language that has a software structure very similar to the language (C), and this language supports the multi-tasking feature such as the language (JavsScript), this language was issued by Google to be the language of the future approved in all its projects, and it was presented as a language Open source for developers.

Why developers love Dart

Imagine the possibility of writing only one code that can work on the browser and on smart phones working on Android and iPhone together, as well as on computers? This is simply what Dart offers you, through which you can develop web applications through (Dart Web), develop Android and iPhone applications through the language (Flutter) based on it, and also use it as a language to deal with servers through (Dart Servers), and finally desktop applications via By Dart Native.

These are not the only advantages of (Dart), but it is also a language based on the same architecture as the (C) language in terms of writing and arranging programming sentences, and you can only write in it through the (Class), which requires you to write in the (OOP) way, which It makes the code more systemic, and supports the multi-tasking feature at the same time, which makes it a language that builds applications very quickly and more interactively.

Among its other features:

In the Dart language, there is one command that gives you a false result (False), which is the same (False) command, unlike Java, in which more than one command can give the same result, such as (null,false,0). Dart tools can express two types of problems, warnings and errors; Warnings are just a warning that the code you entered may not work, and errors may be errors during writing or errors during work. An error while writing prevents the code from achieving its goal, while an error while working causes problems during the execution of the code. Although this language has specific rules about systems not interfering with each other; However, the writing notes for the language are optional, due to Dart's ability to infer the type of writing used. Dart supports general and universal type writing or programming. Unlike Java, Dart does not contain keywords, but rather depends on having semantic words that can be preceded by () or a specific letter, but when preceded by (), it enters the special word or (command) library section. Is it still a question why developers love (Dart) exists?! I do not think so.

How to start using and learning (Dart)

The Dart language contains many libraries that enable you to create any type of application, so you must first learn the basics of the language and then determine the type of applications that you want to deal with or build using Dart, to determine the library that you will use.

You can start learning the basics of the (Dart) language through its official website, which provides an easy introduction to the language, and it is a language that is not difficult and close to the Java and C language, in this link you find the basics of the language and you can try these basics on the browser directly through the platform provided by (Dart) It is (DartPad), which enables you to write (Dart) code directly in the browser and it displays the result of the code in real time.

And if you come to learn (Dart) and you are from the background of the Java language, then Google allocates a specific section for learning the language for all developers who have experience in the Java language, through its official website and through this link you can follow the steps and start using the Dart language

Dart language can also be learned by example and experience, and it is also a service provided on the official website of the language to test yourself after learning the basics of the language through this link

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